Mazelvite - Paper Options

In our age of globalization and technology, it is often hard to find a balance between traditional and modern standards. Using online invitations sounds like a great idea on paper :-). After all, it saves time and money, helps keep the planet green, and reduces stress and clutter. However even after we make the calculation that it is worth it, the question is often asked. What if some of my guests don't have access to email, how can we send them a paper invitations?

We get asked that question a lot, and it's a good question.
Many of us know people that don't have access to the internet or to email. Now while generally speaking, those people are few and far in between, they are still important to you, and as a result to us. As cool and practical as online invitations are, if your guests aren't able to view it then it just won't work.

Before answering that, first let's note some of the great benefits of using Mazelvite.
You can track all the users who viewed or responded to the invitations. This makes for a fantastic way to ensure that you have peace of mind. That you know that your guest got the invitation. Instead of worrying if your great aunt is going to forever be upset at you because she didn't get an invitation, with Mazelvite you can check to see that she had, and if it's not open you can resend it, or give her a call to check her emails. With Paper invitations, you usually only find out the hard way, after the party is over and someone is upset at you.
It's instantaneous. You can send it 5 minutes before your event (although we don't recommend doing that) and your guest will receive it wherever they are. Globally. With Paper Invitations, it can take days to weeks before they receive it.
It's cost effective. The average wedding with about 300 guests can run you a few thousand dollars in stationary, postage, return cards and envelopes. Contrast this with Mazelvite's online invitations and you will save a pretty penny.
It cuts down on waste. No one needs the extra invitations lying around, so they end up in the garbage. Why have all that waste? Mazelvite's online invitations provide a simple effective way to get the message without all the waste.
Simple and fast seating plans. Sure you can wait until all the replies come in before drawing up a seating plan, but wouldn't it be better if you can do it on the fly? With Mazelvite, as soon as you send the invitation, you can start drawing up a seating plan, adding them to tables, and pretending that everyone is getting along.. Want to move them to a different table? No problem just drag and drop them onto a different one. If only life could be this easy..
Plus don't forget all the other benefits of using Mazelvite. Personal page with directions, maps, ability to have your guest upload their favorite picture of their drunk uncle. Loads of fun for everyone!

But what about the guests that don't have email?

1: Work with a printing press. Mazelvite recomends a few Printing Outlets whom we have a good working relationship with. Usually for a nominal fee they can copy the invitation and print the exact amount of paper copies that you need. While it will cost you more per invitation, overall you should still save a bundle.

2: Print it out yourself. It's easy! After you create and send your invitation, go to your individual page, and view the invite. From here you can take a screenshot of the invitation. While the quality won't be the same standard as a professional printer, if you only need a few, and the people that you are sending it to don't mind, this would be a very simple solution.

3: Send it to a neighbor or family member. Ask them to show it to the guest, and respond for them. (Tip: When creating the invitation, consider using the questionnaire asking your guests if they would like to bring anyone.)

4: Call them. Not everyone needs to have their invitation in writing. For some a simple phone call might be jut as convenient.


At Mazelvite, everything we do is designed to make your life and event simple and stress free :)

We hope that these ideas were helpful, and wish you much "Mazel" on your next event!